Monday, May 01, 2006


When playing poker, you have to have discipline. Those who don't have discipline bet on weak hands just to keep themselves from getting bored. Sometimes these people get lucky and it is very frustrating especially when these people call all-ins on very week hands and end up winning. Whatever you do, don't get frustrated and call an all-in just cause they seem to do it every other hand unless you have something great. You should only bet when you have a good starting hand, generally when both cards are 10 or higher. Know when to quit, using the 30 bet rule will help out a lot. If you are having a bad streak, quit playing for the day or even a weak if you aren't doing so well for a couple of days in a row. This will help you keep from losing all your money. If you even think you are going on tilt, just leave, this is the fastest way to lose your money. Discipline is being able to control your emotions at all times so you don't let them get the best of you in a game or tournament. It is also knowing when to fold and when to bet. I usually fold about 90 to 95% of the time and it definitely pays off. Another thing you should think about is.... When you are dealt a starting hand, in my oppinion it isn't good to try and determine how much it is worth. Usually when you do this you tend to think, "well I will try and limp in with X amount of chips, but if someone raises I will fold." To me, if the hand isn't worth the raise, then it really isn't worth betting on in the first place.

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