Tuesday, August 01, 2006

People who talk too much!!!

This post mostly applies to games that you play face to face with other people, not so much for online poker.

I have noticed that there are alot of people that will talk during a poker game and I am not just talking about normal chat such as "How are you doing?" "Did you have to work today?" etc... I recently had someone that was in a hand with another person and at the end of the hand they said "I know that you didn't have "it" by the way you bet. This tells me a couple of things. First, it lets me know a little about the betting style of the person who didn't have "it" asuming I was paying attention which is very important. It also tells me that the person letting everyone know how this person plays is nothing more than someone who is new to poker and is trying to play it off that they know everything about poker.

What you should do in any situiation where you have someone that is cocky and arrogant is to pay attention to everything that they say even though it is pretty annouying and you would love to tell them to shut up, you should pay as much attention as you can to what they say to collect as much information as you can about the other players. Keep making your own conclusions about the players yourself as well especially if you think you are more experienced than the loud mouth player because they aren't always going to be right with their arrogant conclusions.

A more important note on the subject is in the situation where this type of person might make an assumption on the cards you have especially at the end of the hand that you just won because they folded out, never let them know or even give them a hint as to what you have because they are also trying to collect data on you as well as the other players. Basically, never show your cards unless you have to and don't even give them a clue.

Some people will even ask you what you have, as if you are going to tell them, but amazingly enough I have heard people giving them hints to what they have such as... I defenitely have you beat, I think you might have me beat. Another example is... I have heard someone ask in a situation where there was a King on the board and someone asked "Do you have the king?" I have heard both types of replies in this situation. "No I don't have the king." and of course "Yeah, I have the king." Even though these replies can be used as a lie to trick the other person, the other person might be relying on that to get a "tell" out of you. The best response to this situation is to just stare at them and say nothing, look away and pretend that you didn't even hear them, or tell them that they have to pay to find out.

When playing poker even with friends it is still a competition and you shouldn't feel like you have to be polite and talk to someone just because they are being they are talking to you. One main thing about playing poker is to act like you have no emotions what so ever. i.e. "The Poker Face."

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