Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Glossary Of Poker Terms

A brief review of the Poker Terms Glossary:

Aggressive: A reference to a style of play where players continuously raise and re-raise the bet. An aggressive table refers to a table where the
majority of players seated are playing aggressively.

Ante: Ante, which means “before”, refers to the obligatory bet players must place before they can be dealt any cards and begin playing.

Bluff: When a player, holding a weak hand, tries to fool other players into believing that he is holding a strong hand by raising the bet it is called
bluffing. This is done in the hopes of making the other players fold for fear of losing too much money against a stronger hand. It is generally
recommended that the only time to call another player’s bluff is when you really believe that you are holding a winning hand.

Boat: Sometimes this term is used to refer to a full house.

Broadway: This is what a straight with an ace as the high card is called.

Burn: This refers to a strategy used to keep other players from seeing your cards. For example, the dealer takes the cards face down from off of
the top of the deck.

Bust: When a player goes bust it means he has no money left to play.

Call: If a player calls a bet, it means he is placing a bet that is equal to the previous bet.

Cut: The deck is always split in half after the dealer has finished shuffling so that the bottom half of the deck gets placed on the top of the deck. It
is done so that the dealer cannot cheat. Typically, the player seated to the left of the dealer cuts the deck.

Deuce: Occasionally, a two is referred to as deuce.

Fast: Someone who likes to make bets and raises very frequently is a fast player.

Fold: When a player believes that his hand will not win, he can quit the round by folding his cards.

Flush: A flush is made up of five consecutive cards of the same suit.

Limit: A limit is a maximum amount of money that players are allowed to bet and raise during a round. Not all games have limits imposed.

No-Limit: As opposed to limit games, no-limit games place no minimum or maximum requirements on the amount wagered.

Pot: The pot is the term used to refer to all of the money thrown into the center of the table during the game.

See: Seeing a bet is the same as calling a bet.



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